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FORMER FREETOOLS OPORCA ARCHIVE ORCA ARCHIVES ============= Duel Author: Frances_shoal Date: 9/18/01 11:25:53 AM Frances_shoal, the author, may EDIT this message. I know its not Jaws but I saw Duel on TV last Satuday night. Am I way out of touch or has anyone else saw the reflecyion of Mr. Spielberg in the phone booth glass as Dennis Weaver calls the Cops just before the truck smashes through it. He`s weaing headphones, a whit T-shirt and looks down at his clipboard and then across. How I`ve never noticed it before I don`t know =============== thread RE: Duel image Author: wtr Date: 9/25/01 4:37:18 AM wtr, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A yep thts got to be spielbrgs cameo. either that or it might be the uncropped Tv format version. ==== Orca 2 Author: Frances_shoal Date: 9/18/01 11:12:45 AM Frances_shoal, the author, may EDIT this message. I`ve seen the picures of Orca 2 on Marha`s Vineyard. Is it still there? I`m hoping to go next year. Any news? You can find a picture of Erik Hollander standing on the original Orca at Univesal Studios on some sites. ====== Orca 2 Author: Frances_shoal Date: 9/18/01 11:10:32 AM Frances_shoal, the author, may EDIT this message. (No message posted...) ========== Orca II Author: Dreamworks Date: 9/10/01 2:42:57 PM Dreamworks, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A In the "Brief History" of the Orca/OrcaII, it is stated that ". . .we know the fate of the Orca II." So, what was the fate of the Orca II? Where is/was it located? ]]]]========== thread RE: Orca II Author: Shaun Date: 9/11/01 10:44:19 PM Shaun, the author, may EDIT this message. Orca II was left to rot on the shores of Martha`s Vinyard. If you left your email address I could send you pictures. email me if you want them. Shaun =========== Galley Gab Author: Crazy Ian Date: 9/9/01 1:30:40 PM Crazy Ian, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A Not much going on in the Galley these days is there? Oh well, back to the pier to go fishing then...... Current Thread shown below: ======== Back from Dragon Con Author: Shaun Date: 9/7/01 7:27:04 PM Shaun, the author, may EDIT this message. Well I am back and ready to rock and roll on the Orca again. I hope to have some cool pics for fred soon , and I talked with a boat builder who might be able to help us build another. Lots of cool pics!!! Shaun =========== new guy from Author: DeRick Date: 9/4/01 12:20:44 PM DeRick, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A Hi, i come from the site I know thers some of U here from that site, right? Crazy Ian, i believe i know you from the site. Anyone have the movie cable channel Encore. they had a 24 HR long "Jawsathon". it was awspme. I recorded the best attack scenes from all 4 films. Of course i already have the 20TH anniversery version of the original "Jaws". But now i have a follow up. Anyway, ill be on here sometimes. Im not exactly sure what "Save the Orca" is about, but Im learning. =========== them kegs Author: NK Date: 8/22/01 2:50:01 PM NK, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A How about using one as a mail box. Current Thread shown below: ================ the other boats Author: NK Date: 8/17/01 4:28:13 AM NK, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A you woulda thought they would of used Hoopers boat to find the shark. by the way I wonder who owns that boat now? Current Thread shown below: the other boats NK 8/17/01 4:28:13 AM RE: the other boats ======== thread RE: the other boats Author: Crazy Ian Date: 8/17/01 9:19:58 AM Crazy Ian, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: Hoopers boat sucked. If the shark had spat on her, the boat would have capsised. Bloody rich kids boat ========== the boat Author: Wrtr Date: 8/17/01 4:25:01 AM Wrtr, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A a new slogan for Universal: got boat? ========= thread RE: the boat Author: Shaun Date: 8/18/01 11:22:28 PM Shaun, the author, may EDIT this message. I love the new slogan......OUTSTANDING!!!!!! Shaun ======= thread RE: the boat Author: wrtr Date: 8/21/01 4:00:10 PM wrtr, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A thnx..., made it me self. maybe fred can add it to the next tee shirt design. I`m really getting a kick out of following your boat finding exploits here on the site. More fun than a barrel....of sea monkeys. ======== RE: the boat Author: Shaun Date: 8/22/01 12:25:31 AM Shaun, the author, may EDIT this message. Speaking of barrels........ One of the prop companies in my town has several vintage kegs. I will be going down tomorrow to check them out. I will cast them and make copies. I want one as an end table for my drinks next to the couch. Later Current Thread shown below: ==== thread RE: kegs Author: wrtr Date: 8/22/01 2:46:44 PM wrtr, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A you ought to find out who made the Hooper locater beacon thing or make one, then put it on your keg so you can have partys with it flashing to the beat of music. That would be cool. ========== mini orca pic Author: Jerry Date: 8/13/01 2:52:37 PM Jerry , the author, may EDIT this message. Here is the first picture in the series. it is the keel layed out on the jig which I made from scratch with a piece of shelving wood and a couple "L" brackets holding the keel in place. The propeller can be seen near the bottom of the keel where it will go once I am ready for it. = thread RE: mini orca pic Author: Shaun Date: 8/14/01 1:31:43 AM Shaun, the author, may EDIT this message. Looks great so far keep us posted!!!! Shaun ============ Possible Orca Lead? Author: Lise & Wayne Date: 8/13/01 5:22:26 AM Lise & Wayne, the author, may EDIT this message. Something worth checking into: In the Ottawa Citizen`s August 11th Travel section, there is a story on Martha`s Vineyard. Within the text is the following: "Edgartown seems to have been bleached and scrubbed compared to Menemsha. Stacks of old lobster traps covered in barnacles lie alongside old fishing rope. On the opposite side of the harbour sits the boat used in Jaws, which was filmed in the Vineyard. Swimmers needn`t worry about this: The Vineyard does not rank among the favourite vacation spots for sharks." ==== thread RE: Possible Orca Lead Author: Fred Date: 8/13/01 5:24:03 AM Fred, the author, may EDIT this message. Hello back you two, Thanks for yer watchful awareness. Its crew like you that keep us afloat. based on the article you sent it appears the "Orca" mentioned is most likly "Orca2" otherwise known as the stunt Orca. ( While that boat or whats left of it is of significant value to us, It is not exactly Orca 1. Either way your email definitly helps to point out that the folks in Edgartown have been bleaching and scrubbing and might be looking to do the same in menemsha which might mean: a.the destruction of whats left of Orca2 b.the removal of whats left of Orca2 c.In the least likely ideal case, restore it. We can only hope they mean c. As I myself have not been out there yet I hope its still there when I get there. keep that chum line goin..... Fred =============== The Site Author: Crazy Ian Date: 8/5/01 5:15:30 AM Crazy Ian, the author, may EDIT this message. Cool Site rebuild! Remind me to add it to me bookmarks list ======= thread RE: The Site Author: fred Date: 8/8/01 3:22:30 PM fred, the author, may EDIT this message. Thanks bud. Look for more updates in the next couple of weeks. Be sure and check the details as there`s a few areas that are new but easy to miss. Fred `You wanna see somthin` funny chief?` =========== Poll: Author: Quint Date: 8/2/01 7:06:11 PM Email: Please Vote! Best shark attack Chrissie Watkins Alex Kintner Estuary Victim Quint Speedboat (Jaws 2) Results ============= super-8 Author: Quint Date: 8/2/01 7:00:38 PM Quint, the author, may EDIT this message. Ahoy! Anybody know where I can get a print o` "Jaws" on super-8 film? Letterboxed, if possible. An` I hear there was supposed to be a model kit o` the Orca. Anybody know what`s goin` on with that? Current Thread shown below: ==== thread RE: collectors items Author: Fred Date: 8/13/01 5:27:22 AM Fred, the author, may EDIT this message. check the site in about a week. There`ll be a new feature where you`ll be able to buy many related collecters items. Fred ==== Author: Crazy Ian Date: 7/30/01 5:32:06 PM Crazy Ian, the author, may EDIT this message. Good on ye mate. There still could be hope yet. ==== thread RE: Orca Test Drawing Author: NK Date: 8/1/01 11:35:28 PM NK, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A No worrys we be here ol` chap. It only takes three to make an Orca crew. Yet it would be nice to get more posters on board. OK all you posers and galley gab readers START POSTING! OR WE"LL THROW YOU OUT WITH THE CHUM. I can see Fred now trying to wrestle with it. Like Quint s Fishing scene. NK ============= Wheres Everybody gone?!? Author: Crazy Ian Date: 7/29/01 5:04:40 AM Crazy Ian, the author, may EDIT this message. Read the title of this message. ========= Price tag on the Orca Author: Crazy Ian Date: 7/26/01 8:10:09 AM Crazy Ian, the author, may EDIT this message. Bad news guys... my shipbuilding mate gave me an estimate on building one from scratch. We`re talking in the area of ?0,000 to ?0,000 (multiply that by 1.5 if you want that figure in dollars.) depending on the quality of wood your using. You could cut that down considerably by building it yourself but anyone here got the skill to build a 35ft boat?? I`m looking into the cost of converting an old lobsteryacht. Next up on the agenda, when Quint`s reeling in Mr. Whitey, look at the size of the gaff he grabs from the starboard side of the Orca. What the hell is he gonna do wiith it anyhow, haul a 3 ton kiling machine into his boat?!? Finally, those Porbeagles in the Irish sea are getting craftier by the day. I didn`t know I`d hooked one till the line started running. Normally you see blue or tope coming down the lane towards the bait, but the porbeagle came from below the bait!!! ========== contest Author: NK Date: 7/25/01 2:54:07 AM NK, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A Hey Fred I`m gonna take the prize at the end of the year. Just you watch, at this point I got the most posts so far unless Im counting wrong. By the way what is the prize? ======== contest Author: NK Date: 7/25/01 2:55:17 AM NK, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A How about... one smart fish. ========= The Orca... a reality??/sea shanties/fishing Author: Crazy Ian Date: 7/22/01 7:22:12 AM Crazy Ian, the author, may EDIT this message. I`m lookin into the costs of building one from scratch at the moment, and how long it will take.When I say `I` what I really mean is a boat yard in Suffolk,UK. I wondered if there was a second verse to that song, as in Moby Dick, some sailors are about to break into the second verse when Dagoe stops them. Anyway I`m off. Out theres a Tope with my name on it! (its a little shark, `bout 4ft long, not a porker!) ============ thread' RE: The Orca... a reality??/sea shanties/fishing Author: Fred Date: 7/23/01 5:11:26 PM Fred, the author, may EDIT this message. Hope ye throw the lil tommycat back, 4fts a tad small to be worth catch`n. Mind ye, wait`ll it gets to be 25 an 3 tons then it`ll bound to make for some rip roar`in line tangl`n. About the shanty, There is actualy quite a bit more to it and I know I have it filed away some where in my hard drive...I mean stowage compartment. jest wait a spell and i dig it up. Be sure an` post any findings from your boat build`n inquirys. Fred ============== keep them chum lines goin.... =========== The Search, and our Archives continue...
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