Highlights From our #PETITION LIST#
Here's a sampling of the petitioners that have added thier vote of
support to the cause so far...
Drop us a line and we'll let the world know you care about saving this boat
--- Jeff Ares wrote:
Dear Universal,
Being a true fan of the hit movie JAWS, I wish to
help the fans find and refurbish the remains of the
boat used in the movie JAWS
That being the ORCA 1, I think it would be a welcome
addition to your park in florida right next to the
mechanical shark used in the film.
Please help the fans do this.
Thank you
Jeff ares
Hampstead, NH
"Drummer Dude"
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Save the Orca
Sun, 25 Mar 2001 17:07:41 -0000
Please, find the Orca! This particular vessel means
alot to the many
millions of "Jaws" fans around the world. The fact
that this vessel is
neglected is sad. Please honor our petition and save
this boat!
Freddy Caramiello
Frank Spooner |
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rebuild the orca
Sun, 25 Mar 2001 12:01:03 -0500
I'm Frank Spooner from Montreal Canada,
I think Universal Studios should quickly make an
attempt to some-how restore the
And yet, the sea sled should also be restored and
coated with new skin from the original
molds. Make it live again. Make it real. Make it
happen Universal.
Marybeth Donohue
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Fri, 2 Mar 2001 12:45:52 -0500
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Mon, 5 Mar 2001 16:11:12 -0800
Nice to see someone cares about the great old movie
props of Great films.
From: Sherry Post
To: oporca
Subject: Orca Petition
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 20:45:45 -0700
My name is Sherry Post and I think it would be a financial boon for Universal to find and fix up the Orca! Think about all the people who pay to just have thier photo taken on the boat from Jaws?? And you could get major cash booking tour rides on it from Marthas Vineyard...just a thought! After all, money talks, right? I'd sure pay for those priveledges! But it should be found and built up for future generations. Everyday I see younger and younger kids come into the Jaws website, as enthusiastic about Jaws as I was when it first came out. Eeven if you put the Orca into a museum...it would be a decent thing to do for our kids and our kid's kids. They have Frankenstein and Dracula available for those of us who werent around then!
Please visiti my site!
From: Wayne Simpson
To: oporca@yahoo.com
Subject: Congratulations!
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2001 18:11:30 -0400
I have just fallen into your website...and BRAVO!!!
As a life-time fan of the film, and a lover of adventure, I will be
looking in frequently to find out if anything has been discovered.
Keep up the good work!
From: Lise Tindall & Wayne Simpson
Reply-To: Lise Tindall & Wayne Simpson
To: oporca
Subject: Save the Orca!
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 19:54:08 -0400
So often we have neglected to hold on to pieces of history that represent turning points in social conscience. JAWS has become a catch-phrase for several generations, from the haunting music to the barbaric idealism that eventually crucified all species of sharks in blind fear. The Orca represented the rustic, warped mindset of a dated generation, and her sinking in the film was a symbolic finale. The Orca needs to be found and given an appropriate place among our numbering icons.
Wayne Simpson
Ottawa, Ontario
From: "Sherry Post"
To: "Fred Stine"
Subject: Re: Orca Petition
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 18:33:12 -0700
Hello, Fred :-)
I'm certainly glad to be of help in this very important issue. I'm quite
passionate about the Orca. I have a website where I post stories I write and
the Orca is an integral part of each one. She means alot to me, personally.
I'll be glad to post the petitions address anywhere and everywhere I
possible can...thanks for adding it to your mail for me to make that easier.
I'd like to keep abreast of this situation, so anytime you can send me an
email about it, I'd certainly appreciate it. I'll be checking back with the
site, often, aas well.
Thanks so much for all that youre doing for America's favorite boat!
Sherry Post
PS= I wear a sixe XL tee (I like 'em roomy). ;-)
----- Original Message -----
From: oporca
To: Sherry Post
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: Orca Petition
hello friend,
Many thanks for yer contribution,
you make an excellent and persuasive arguement that I
hope Universal at leasts reads. I'll be making it
somewhat easier for them to see as I'll be
highlighting your petition in the Amitian highlight
section of the site. btw what shirt size do you use?
You can also help get the word out by mak'n sure an
post the link below on other messageboards.
thanks again,
To: oporca
Subject: Petition
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 15:44:08 +0100 (BST)
I've been a fan of Jaws since i was a kid and I think
it's tragic that the boat has been lost. I've seen a
picture of it from the Universal backlot from years
ago. At the very least a new boat should be built and
put on display at Universal Studios Florida. I fully
support the petition and urge other people to sign up!
John Trainor
Want to help?
Just send us an email with your Full name along with a
brief statement in 50 words or less describing why you
want Universal to rebuild and/or find the Orca, and
you will be added to the petition. send it now...times
a wastin!...
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