From: To: Subject: Re: script Date: Sun, 6 May 2001 15:39:26 EDT Hi there Here is the script. It has a good feel to it, but after a second read it shows its weak parts. Let me know when and how you post it. Thanks S. Director Wild Smile Films
MEGALODON: LONG ISLAND DEEP BLANK SCREEN - WORD SCROLL OVER - NO MUSIC. NARRATOR READS: In the waters of many oceans there are hundreds of beautiful living things. The most common is the fish. Some fish are very elegant and charming with bright colors. Others are kept in tanks for us to view. Some are caught for research and others to eat. But there is a fish we fear! The shark. It can smell blood in the water at more than a mile. It knows we fear it and will strike when you least expect it. The shores of Long Island have remained silent for some years now and the stories of man-eating sharks off its beaches are distant memories. But a shark was about to strike, when and where it would attack first nobody knew... FADE IN EXT. SEA - DAWN. We see the sun slowly rise in the distance. In front of us we see a small fishing boat. It glides through the calm sea. We close in on the name of the boat that reads THE SWIFT. EXT. BOAT CRANE - DAWN. We see a crane pulling up a net from the sea. The net is filled with fish. Some are falling through a hole in the net. The crane moves the net high up above the deck of the boat. INSIDE NET. FISH P.O.V. We follow the fish as they are released downwards through a hatch into the hull. EXT. DECK - DAWN. We see a father and son. JACK is taking his ten-year-old son ALLEN out on his first fisherman trip. Jack is about forty-five years old and has the appearance of a long-standing fisherman. Jack is wearing a black woollen hat and bright yellow overalls. His son is wearing orange overalls and black rubber gloves. Allen has been looking forward to this trip for a long time and hopes to follow in his fathers¡¦ footsteps when he is old enough. Allen takes hold of the empty net and notices that there is a hole in it. He peers across at Jack, placing his head through the hole. ALLEN (to Jack) Dad. How do you think this happened? Maybe it caught on something down there. Jack stands silent and still. Allen looks as if his head is in the mouth of a shark. JACK Allen, drop the net. ALLEN But it's only our first catch. JACK Drop the net now. Do as I say and don't answer me back. Allen seems very disappointed and starts to mumble to himself. ALLEN What have I done? Allen pulls a lever and the empty net falls into the hull of the boat. Jack is pulling in the ropes from the net and starts to tie them down to the deck. Jack turns to Allen. He claps his hands at Allen. JACK Move it! ALLEN Dad, what's wrong? JACK Nothing is wrong. I just want to get out of here. Jack turns away and continues to tie the ropes down. JACK (CONT¡¦D) (to himself) Too many bad memories around here. ALLEN Dad. What do you think caught on the net? JACK Allen it was nothing, a broken piece of wood or an old tin can. I've got a bad feeling about this place. No more questions. Okay. ALLEN But, Dad. JACK No more questions. I'll take you out next week. Allen lowers his head and talks to himself. He knows something is wrong. ALLEN (to himself, sulking) Next week! I don't want to go out next week. I want to fish now. Allen looks down into the hull of the boat. His statement changes as he looks up to Jack. Allen looks frightened. ALLEN (CONT¡¦D) Dad! Dad! INT. CABIN - DAWN.
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