Freetools Chatboard Archive

'After a day o' sharkin' time to shoot the breeze in the galley. Trade war stories 'n lousey jokes while down'n a keg 'o brew (empty Kegs float better) 24hrs a day nautical time. Those blokes over at Freetools have gone overboard, so while our chat forum is being updated, send us an email and keep those chum lines going.



Send questions or statements you'd like published to the editor-at-large, cap'n/webmaster/harbormaster fer all seasons...Fred. All submissions have the right to be posted on our Mail Bag pages, lest we throw it out with the chum...

Welcome to


the best line
Author:  samuel Date: 5/2/01 4:34:37 AM 
samuel, the author, may EDIT this message. Email:  
tie me another barrel! 

best lines
Author:  samuel Date: 4/13/01 3:19:08 AM 
samuel, the author, may EDIT this message.
start the engines! 
Current Thread shown below: best lines samuel 4/13/01 3:19:00 AM  
 RE: best lines Quint 8/2/01 6:55:13 PM  
 RE: best lines Nk 8/13/01 5:29:15 AM  



RE: best lines
Author:  Quint Date: 8/2/01 6:55:18 PM 
Quint, the author, may EDIT this message.
Where you goin? 

RE: best lines
Author:  Nk Date: 8/13/01 5:30:00 AM 
Nk, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
was that an actual line or another one of your blimey questions? 

Author:  dave Date: 4/10/01 3:32:39 PM 
dave, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
Whens the next installement? I cant wait. 
Current Thread shown below: j5:requiem dave 4/10/01 3:32:39 PM  
 RE: j5:requiem 

RE: j5:requiem
Author:  FRED Date: 4/10/01 3:33:46 PM 
FRED, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
We`ve been told that we will get it within a week or so. stay tuned.  

the prize
Author:  samuel Date: 4/9/01 4:44:46 AM 
samuel, the author, may EDIT this message. 
Oky doky I better get postn then i bett I`ll reach the 100th post before the rest of you. heeehahah..... 
Hey pass that apricot brandy over here!  

Author:  Fred Date: 4/5/01 7:26:24 PM 
Fred, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: n/a 
To the first person to reach 100 posts goes a membership package and entry into the all new Hall of foam page . 

There will be a sequel!
Author:  Chet Date: 4/4/01 4:49:55 PM 
Chet, the author, may EDIT this message. 
I just heard confirmation that there will be a sequel. There will be an open call for beach goers this summer. 
the location will be either california or baja. I cant believe it! finaly! 
Current Thread shown below: There will be a sequel! Chet 4/4/01 4:49:25 PM  
 RE: There will be a sequel! q shark 4/5/01 7:23:35 PM  



RE: There will be a sequel!
Author:  q shark Date: 4/5/01 7:23:37 PM 
q shark, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: n/a 
thats amazin news...when and where?  

the state of film
Author:  Qw Date: 4/3/01 2:30:13 PM 
Qw, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
What soon to be released films are going to be hits? any guesses? I wonder about the spiderman movie now that camerons not involved anymore...  

the membership prize
Author:  samuel Date: 3/30/01 4:08:01 PM 
samuel, the author, may EDIT this message. 
I just got a membership prize from fred for signing the petition I was wondering if anybody else got one and if so what did you get? I wonder if one gets points for chatting on this board?? 

Orca technical specs
Author:  dave Date: 3/29/01 6:07:01 PM 
dave, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
OK let s get some dialog going about the Orca. 

If anyone out there has any bit of info about Orca...ANYTHING! post it here and lets get a pot of clues going so we can at least get a complete list of specs so Fred can add it to the Orcas berth section. The page has been up and running for a while and still no update of Orca info. Yo Fred let me know what i can do to help.  

Author:  hacker12 Date: 3/22/01 2:03:03 AM 
hacker12, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
Now that you read it....whats your favorite line in the film? 

Author:  Dude631 Date: 3/22/01 11:43:18 PM 
Dude631, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
There are a bunch, but I guess the ones 
that come to mind are.. 

1. "Till it swims up and bites you on the ass!" 

2. "Come on down and chum some of this shit" 

3. "You`re gonna need a bigger boat" 

4. "25 - Three tons of `im" 

Just a few...... 

Author:  dave Date: 3/29/01 5:59:17 PM 
dave, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
how about 

1. keep that chum line goin will ya! the boards lookin kinda lax. 

Author:  alex Date: 3/20/01 6:09:46 PM 
alex, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
the site disapeared for a while! what happened ? 

Author:  FRED Date: 3/21/01 3:26:55 PM 
FRED, the author, may EDIT this message. 
Everythings alright for the moment...apparently Tripod had a lapse in storage space. Either that or Uni was trying to hide the site just like Orca. For now all is ship shape and ok. 

this site
Author:  hacker12 Date: 3/17/01 12:30:44 AM 
hacker12, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
THIS SITE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Trivia question
Author:  Hypz Date: 3/14/01 9:57:47 PM 
Hypz, the author, may EDIT this message.
Finaly found this site! Now I got a question: 

How much has the film grossed to this day? including television, video and Dvd sales 
Current Thread shown below: Trivia question Hypz 3/14/01 9:57:05 PM  
 RE: Trivia question alex 3/15/01 4:05:40 PM  


RE: Trivia question
Author:  alex Date: 3/15/01 4:05:42 PM 
alex, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 


Author:  alex  Date:  3/13/01 3:03:35 AM  
      Email:  N/A  

alex, the author, may EDIT this message. 

crack open a beer! 

the script 

Author:  sharkn  Date:  3/13/01 2:59:58 AM  

sharkn, the author, may EDIT this message. 

I really like jaws5:requiem, can't wait for the next segment! I hope this script makes it as a real sequel. 


RE: the script 

Author:  alex  Date:  3/13/01 3:01:58 AM  
      Email:  N/A  

alex, the author, may EDIT this message. 

as good or better than N`s. keep up the work!  

Author:  chet Date: 3/12/01 4:35:06 PM 
chet, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
hey where is everyone? 

RE: desolate
Author:  dave Date: 3/13/01 1:29:30 AM 
dave, the author, may EDIT this message. 
I`ve been thinkn about building an Orca for myself. Not a miniature but full size. The problem is since there`s no accuarate plans available I`m gonna have to settle for the plans from traplet. I just hope it doesnt sink.  
Current Thread shown below: 

whats new?
Author:  dave Date: 3/9/01 4:46:05 PM 
dave, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
anybody know if new plans are gonna be released? 
Current Thread shown below: whats new? dave 3/9/01 4:46:05 PM  
 RE: whats new? Dude631 3/9/01 9:05:16 PM  


RE: whats new?
Author:  Dude631 Date: 3/9/01 9:05:18 PM 
Dude631, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
If there is - I hope they are more accurate than what Traplet put out...... 


RE:new plans? 

Author:  dave  Date:  3/10/01 6:04:35 AM  

dave, the author, may EDIT this message. 

I heard the new miniature set is gonna be based on those. Too bad they couldnt find the original plans used to make Orca2. If those exist. 


Author:  chet  Date:  3/8/01 8:40:39 PM  
      Email:  N/A  

chet, the author, may EDIT this message. 

I bet nobody can guess what the actual name of Hoopers electronic finder was.  

RE: $10,000prize
Author:  Dude631 Date: 3/8/01 11:54:41 PM 
Dude631, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
Are ypart 3

the best line
Author:  samuel Date: 5/2/01 4:34:37 AM 
samuel, the author, may EDIT this message. 
tie me another barrel! 

best lines
Author:  samuel Date: 4/13/01 3:19:08 AM 
samuel, the author, may EDIT this message. 
start the engines! 
Current Thread shown below: best lines samuel 4/13/01 3:19:00 AM  
 RE: best lines Quint 8/2/01 6:55:13 PM  
 RE: best lines Nk 8/13/01 5:29:15 AM  



RE: best lines
Author:  Quint Date: 8/2/01 6:55:18 PM 
Quint, the author, may EDIT this message. 

Where you goin? 

RE: best lines
Author:  Nk Date: 8/13/01 5:30:00 AM 
Nk, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
was that an actual line or another one of your blimey questions? 

Author:  dave Date: 4/10/01 3:32:39 PM 
dave, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
Whens the next installement? I cant wait. 
Current Thread shown below: j5:requiem dave 4/10/01 3:32:39 PM  
 RE: j5:requiem 

RE: j5:requiem
Author:  FRED Date: 4/10/01 3:33:46 PM 
FRED, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
We`ve been told that we will get it within a week or so. stay tuned.  

the prize
Author:  samuel Date: 4/9/01 4:44:46 AM 
samuel, the author, may EDIT this message. 
Oky doky I better get postn then i bett I`ll reach the 100th post before the rest of you. heeehahah..... 
Hey pass that apricot brandy over here!  

Author:  Fred Date: 4/5/01 7:26:24 PM 
Fred, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: n/a 
To the first person to reach 100 posts goes a membership package and entry into the all new Hall of foam page . 

There will be a sequel!
Author:  Chet Date: 4/4/01 4:49:55 PM 
Chet, the author, may EDIT this message. 
I just heard confirmation that there will be a sequel. There will be an open call for beach goers this summer. 
the location will be either california or baja. I cant believe it! finaly! 
Current Thread shown below: There will be a sequel! Chet 4/4/01 4:49:25 PM  
 RE: There will be a sequel! q shark 4/5/01 7:23:35 PM  



RE: There will be a sequel!
Author:  q shark Date: 4/5/01 7:23:37 PM 
q shark, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: n/a 
thats amazin news...when and where?  

the state of film
Author:  Qw Date: 4/3/01 2:30:13 PM 
Qw, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
What soon to be released films are going to be hits? any guesses? I wonder about the spiderman movie now that camerons not involved anymore...  

the membership prize
Author:  samuel Date: 3/30/01 4:08:01 PM 
samuel, the author, may EDIT this message. 
I just got a membership prize from fred for signing the petition I was wondering if anybody else got one and if so what did you get? I wonder if one gets points for chatting on this board?? 

Orca technical specs
Author:  dave Date: 3/29/01 6:07:01 PM 
dave, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
OK let s get some dialog going about the Orca. 

If anyone out there has any bit of info about Orca...ANYTHING! post it here and lets get a pot of clues going so we can at least get a complete list of specs so Fred can add it to the Orcas berth section. The page has been up and running for a while and still no update of Orca info. Yo Fred let me know what i can do to help.  

Author:  hacker12 Date: 3/22/01 2:03:03 AM 
hacker12, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
Now that you read it....whats your favorite line in the film? 

Author:  Dude631 Date: 3/22/01 11:43:18 PM 
Dude631, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: N/A 
There are a bunch, but I guess the ones 
that come to mind are.. 

1. "Till it swims up and bites you on  still counting on the petition to get some awareness happening. unfortunatly the response to the petition has been less overwelming than expected. Get the word out if you`d like to help the cause. Feel fre to link the site to other related sites and post on message boards. 

all the best, 


this site 

Author:  waterhound  Date:  2/28/01 4:36:13 PM  
      Email: * Auto Mail On  

waterhound, the author, may EDIT this message. 

I just found this site. I wanted to know if Universal is going to re-release the film or not? 


Author:  edgar  Date:  2/28/01 4:30:36 PM  
      Email:  N/A * Auto Mail On  

edgar, the author, may EDIT this message. 

HEy this is great!! finally another place to post about one of my favorite subjects. Is this post limited to discussion about the boat or anything about the film? 

Current Thread shown below: question?? edgar 2/28/01 4:30:36 PM  
 RE: question?? waterhound 3/2/01 12:02:06 AM  
 RE: question?? dave 3/2/01 12:27:54 AM  


RE: question??
Author:  waterhound Date: 3/2/01 12:02:08 AM 
waterhound, the author, may EDIT this message. 
as far as I can tell one can discuss any topic related to jaws or finding the orca. Since we`re basicly gonna be the first one`s posting I suppose we can do what ever we like. 

RE: question??
Author:  dave Date: 3/2/01 12:27:56 AM 
dave, the author, may EDIT this message. Email: n/a 
and its free 


Author:  edgar  Date:  2/28/01 4:30:18 PM  
      Email:  N/A * Auto Mail On  

edgar, the author, may EDIT this message. 


Welcome to The Board
Author:  The Harbormaster Date: 2/27/01 7:47:43 PM 
The Harbormaster, the author, may EDIT this message. 
Welcome Orca Fans, 

Thank you for visiting and supporting our endeavor. You are welcome to email direct to Operation Orca, or post to this Board. All submissions have the right to be published. 

What better way than to submit your comments than and add your name to our list to Save the Orca! 

Happy Salvaging, 



Now it's your turn.

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