Floatsum and Jetsum

Props and pieces of history derived from Orca and the gang of three.

Film productions wrap every day of the year all over the world, and with them go countless pieces of film history and lore. Some of these 'pieces' have met an end on par with the same unknown fate as Orca. Some have simply been abandoned or trashed in the studio bin or alleyway. Whatever the end theres always sombody out there that re-discovers one of these 'artifacts' and is ideally able to bring 'it' back to its former glory; Or at worst photo document its plight for the record. This is filmpropacheaology 101, survivor central, derilect dungeon, the worst of the worst, the few, the proud, lost and found.

The Orca II and a chunk from it's hide.
Part of the
Operation Orca Cybercollection

'Got prop? send us an image and description and we'll try to get your piece included.'

Orca email
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A division of Vaughn enterprises
The people caring company



COPYRIGHT 2000 / 2011